Lil Mamas

Friday, April 18, 2008

Where to begin??? Kaija.... She is a FEARLESS!! Everyday she is trying new tricks and climbing all over the house! Now that the weather is starting to warm up we are outside as much as possible. Gotta work on my tan!! Hey I gotta work really hard on it in order to TRY and have half the color Kaija has!! I'm so jealous of her amazing skin tone!! Needless to say she is beautiful! She is so amazing!! Kaija shows me unconditional love on a daily basis and sometimes I am not so sure that I deserve it. I REALLY need to work on my patients but its not exactly my best quality. Being mom and being a career woman is not easy and I haven't found a happy medium yet. Kaija is such a blessing anfd the love of my life but WOW motherhood is really be hard!!
Life is looking good at the moment!! I am working for a company called i4 and I work with some very interesting people! There is never a dull moment around my office! I find myself laughing more often then not! Which is good thing! The last few months were such a struggle with all the things that went down with Blitz Management that I was beginning to think that my life would never get back to being somewhat normal and stable!!
Our house is still for sale and is know under contract so that is very exciting although I have no idea where we will be moving! It will be further south now that I am working in Salt Lake. I have been commuting everyday and the traffic is not very fun! Kaija has been having a very hard time getting up in the morning! She is NOT a morning person!! lol
That is all I have time for at the moment! Playoff start this weekend and I am SUPER EXCITED!!! Woot Woot!! Go Jazz!!


Blogger Ricki said...

I knew we would convert you to the blogging world eventually! Glad to have you on board, and glad to have somebody elses world to get a little glimpse of!

April 18, 2008 at 6:38 PM  
Blogger Hayward Family said...

Welcome to BLOGGING!! hehe.. I'm so glad you finally jumped on the train!;) I love you girls and I agree to ALL you have said! I miss my girls! We need to meet up sometime soon!! Love ya!

April 21, 2008 at 7:20 AM  

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